Facilities at Hotel Daspalla Visakhapatnam

Hotel Daspalla, Visakhapatnam values customer satisfaction and comfort. Which is why the hotel has an extensive array of high-quality facilities available for its guests. The hotel is especially acknowledged by business travellers as it is located quite close to the heart of the city’s business centre.

Some of their best-rated services include:

Health Club

Health Club at Hotel Daspalla Visakhapatnam 2

Hotel Daspalla, Visakhapatnam, helps you stay fit on travel with its extensive gym setup with suitable air conditioning. Our high-quality types of equipment include treadmills, stepper, massager, recumbent bike, AB trainer and many more.

Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool at Hotel Daspalla Visakhapatnam 2
Swimming Pool at Hotel Daspalla Visakhapatnam 1

Take a refreshing dip in our sky lounge swimming pool in Hotel Daspalla, Visakhapatnam. A swim in the crystal clear water under the blue sky with a preferred beverage in your hand is a heavenly experience indeed.